Life Amazing what dog ownership does to the brains of people over 65 The disease is an incurable neurological syndrome, but it seems that dogs can help to reduce it.
Breed description Harrier breed: the golden mean The Harrier is an intelligent, friendly and very people-oriented breed of dog. It was originally used to hunt rabbits, most of the time exclusively in packs.
Life Dog-bear friendship: video of the world's cutest pals The giant bear cub and the Alaskan Malamute wrestle so happily that you can't watch without smiling.
Care Dog clothing guide: How to decide if your pet needs a coat As temperatures drop, it's time to bring out the warm gear—even for our pets! Here’s how to tell when your dog might need some extra layers.
Why you shouldn't let your dog play with snails: it end up with a serious infection Health • 2 minutes