
Shiba inu: the Japanese “little dog” who needs a consistent owner

László Enikő

2024. September 3 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The ancient Japanese dog breed, the shiba inu, is a small but all the more confident hunter. Nowadays it is an increasingly popular pet, but raising it can be a challenge for the novice dog owner.


Often compared to a fox in appearance, the Shiba Inu can be a good-natured, affectionate companion for the right owner. Not recommended for novice dog owners as it requires consistent but loving training as a puppy. A popular ancient Japanese breed, the Shihu has now conquered almost the entire world.

History of the Shiba Inu

The exact meaning of shiba inu is disputed. In Japanese inu means dog, but shiba can mean bush or, according to some dialects, little. Both variations fit the shiba inu, as its original work was a birds and small game in the bush in the bush. Also, he is the smallest of the ancient Japanese dog breeds, so the latter assumption is also correct.

The shiba inut is considered to be one of the most ancient dogs and the breed has a history of up to 3,000 years. A distant relative the Chow Chow but its current form is thought to have been developed in the 19th century. It is thought to have originated in the late 19th century. Irish Setters and pointers, when these dogs were imported from England to Japan.

By this time the original shiba inu was very difficult to find, only a few individuals of them remained. Japanese hunters worked to save the ancient breed, and with their help a uniform breed standard was established in 1934. In 1937, the Japanese National Heritage title but the impact of the Second World War was felt in the breed’s population.

Their beloved dog became almost extinct, with only a few surviving. The breed was finally by crossing three bloodlines were able to save the breed. In 1954 the Americans brought it to the United States and the breed gradually spread worldwide. Today, the Shiba Inu is a beloved pet in many countries.

The Shiba Inu is famous for its smile

Breed standard

Shiba Inu, belonging to the section of Spitzes and Ancestral type dogs, is often compared to the Akita Inu but is a smaller breed of dog. It has a proportionate build, its height at the withers being only slightly less than its length. The breed has a muscular, strong bone structure. Its movements are lively and light. The neck is strong and thick. Back horizontal, belly well tucked up. Forelimbs straight and hindquarters well angulated. The paws are well arched, the fingers are closed, the soles are flexible and firm. Eyes are friendly and the head is often described as fox-like or bear-like. The cheeks are narrowed and the nose is black. Eyes dark, small and triangular.Ears are also small, triangular and upturned. The tail is high-pinned and tapers to the back in a sickle shape.

The coat is coarse to the touch, waterproof and double-coated. Its colour is mostly red with white markings. It can also be sesame, bone, black and tanned. Depending on sex, the height at the withers is approximately 36-38 cm, the standard allowing 2 cm in either direction. Body weight 8-13 kg. Life expectancy is 15 years.


The Shiba Inu is known for its good nature and affection, but it is also independent. He does not necessarily follow orders that seem meaningless to him, so his upbringing needs to be carefully monitored. He learns easily and quickly in the right hands, as he is very intelligent. Early socialisation is very important as he is a dominant breed. Although friendly, he is distrustful of strangers and will signal to his owner if unauthorised persons are about to approach the gate. He has a bold, alert character, is difficult to subordinate and is a loving companion. Because of these qualities, he is a popular pet all over the world and has many fans.

Ideal environment

The breed thrives in the garden, but also in the house, if its exercise needs are met every day. The Shiba Inu is an energetic, lively dog that enjoys walks in pouring rain and frost. Spending time in nature is important to him and tires him out the most. His attitude to dog sports is different. While some dogs are excellent agility runners, others do not like this kind of fun.

It is important to educate the shiba inu from an early age.

Regular potty training is essential when the dog is a puppy, but it should not be neglected later either, as a bored Shiba Inu may be prone to destructive behaviour. Consistent but loving training is essential as he is a dominant breed. Because of its hunting instinct, it may chase smaller pets and should be introduced to them from an early age. It is friendly with children, but experts recommend it for older puppies. It is important that the Shiba Inu is kept in an active family, as it has a relatively high exercise requirement.


One of the characteristics of shiba inu is purity. They tend to wash themselves frequently with their tongues, but they also like to wallow in a muddy puddle. Frequent bathing of the breed is not recommended, and regular shampoo baths may harm their waterproof fur.

Shearing is also not advisable, as the dense, thick coat provides excellent protection against both cold and heat. Regular combing is recommended during the moulting period, especially at the end of summer, as the coat sheds considerably. The claws should be trimmed if they become too long and regular time should be taken to clean the eyes and ears.

Common health problems

Shiba inu is a very healthy breed. However, they may sometimes have hip dysplasia, patellofibroma, glaucoma or cataracts.

(Literature: János Szinák – István Veress: A világ kutyái II.; David Alderton: Dogs; Paul McGreevy: Dogs)

ancient breed of dog hunting dogs shiba inu small dog

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