
Siberian Husky breed description: From professional sled dog to popular family pet

László Enikő

2024. July 31 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Most people immediately think of a husky when they hear the term sled dog. This is not surprising, as it is one of the most talented breeds in this sport.


The Siberian Husky came to the cities from the harsh Alaskan landscapes. More and more often, they are chosen as family pets due to their kind and friendly nature. Additionally, they are extremely energetic and tireless dogs who always like to be close to their family. Their tremendous work capacity and elegant, wolf-like appearance make them even more special.

History of the Siberian Husky

Some believe the Siberian Husky is an ancient breed, domesticated around 9,000-6,000 BCE. However, no written or physical evidence supports this. Their development geographically can be traced to the Chukchi Peninsula and Kamchatka. They were the dogs of the Inuits, who found great use for these wonderful working dogs. The tribes did not write, which is why there is no written record of the Siberian Husky until the 19th century. In 1853, an English sailor first reported on sled dogs.

The Chukchi people’s dogs were first entered under the name Siberian Husky in 1909. Initially, the fur trader was laughed at because his dogs were much smaller than the Alaskan Malamute, which was considered the star of such races at the time. However, the team finished in a prestigious position, earning genuine admiration from the spectators. The dogs also performed well in subsequent races, and targeted breeding soon began. This is linked to one of the most successful drivers of all time, Leonhard Seppala.

Balto and his owner, Gunnar Kaasen

Seppala’s name became well-known after the 1925 Serum Run. At that time, a diphtheria epidemic was raging in the town of Nome, Alaska, where there was not enough antitoxin. Seppala, along with several other drivers, set out and transported the antitoxin to the town with the help of sled dogs, working in relays. The most famous four-legged participants in the race were Togo and Balto (Siberian Huskies), who led the sleds with incredible endurance. Due to this and their tireless sledding abilities shown during the Gold Rush, huskies became extremely popular.

Many huskies became military dogs during the wars

The Siberian Husky became a military dog during World War II. They often participated in parachute rescues and transported supplies and personnel. Today, they are a relatively popular breed, widespread as family dogs around the world.

Breed standard of the Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. Its coat is thick, medium-length, dense, and double-layered. The soft undercoat is usually white and retains heat well. The standard allows all colors from black to white. The head is medium-sized, the ears are triangular and stand upright. The eyes are almond-shaped, blue or brown, or sometimes mixed (one blue, one brown). The tail is covered with dense fur and is of medium length. Its gait is light and smooth. The height at the withers is 50-60 cm, depending on gender, and its weight is 20-28 kg. The expected lifespan is 10-14 years.

Character of the Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is friendly and kind, as cooperative individuals were preferred during its development to get along well with the drivers. It likes company and is a true pack dog. It has tremendous energy and is a tireless working dog. However, it is prone to stubbornness, so training should start early. It likes to have a task. If its owner does not engage with it, it will find its own activities, which others may not necessarily appreciate. It might escape, dig holes, or show off its unique howling, as it is a very vocal breed.

The Siberian Husky loves the cold and can even burrow into the snow in winter. So, do not be surprised if the dog enjoys the chilly weather and likes to run around in the cold garden when the owner is already sipping hot tea on the couch. Nevertheless, a warm, wind- and rain-protected place must always be provided for it. It does not like being alone and feels best close to its family. It is not aggressive and is not suitable for guarding due to its friendliness. However, it is excellent as a sports dog, as it loves to move and is still a frequent participant in sled dog races.

The beautiful husky eyes

Ideal environment for the Siberian Husky

The husky loves the cold, as it tolerates it very well due to its dense coat. Therefore, it feels less comfortable in southern countries, as its homeland is cold Siberia. It will not be the dog that needs to be dressed in a coat in winter. It is important that its exercise needs are met daily, as it is incredibly energetic and has great work capacity. Most huskies love children and are friendly and kind to people. It is recommended for active people, preferably those living in houses with gardens.

Huskies do well in cold climate

Caring for the Siberian Husky

The husky sheds a massive amount of fur during molting. This usually happens twice a year, but it needs to be brushed continuously, at least once a week. It is better if the owner gets the dog used to this from puppyhood. Apart from this, it does not require special care.

Common health problems of the Siberian Husky

It is a healthy breed, with no specific diseases characteristic of the Siberian Husky. It is prone to dysplasia, which can be screened through genetic tests. Despite its tremendous work capacity, it should only be gradually burdened, especially during its growing phase.

medium sized dog Siberian Husky sled dogs working dog

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