
10 worrying signs to contact your vet immediately: red eyes and lethargy are also warning signs

Szénási Szimonetta

2022. September 20 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It's often difficult to know whether a change in your dog is a sign of trouble or a completely normal phenomenon. Do not hesitate to take your dog to the doctor if any of the following occur.


You may experience a number of strange and unusual things in your pet over time, but there are some really worrying symptoms in dogs that you really need to see a doctor. Let’s take a look at those!

1) Changed eating habits

If has a sudden change in your pet’s eating habits – starts eating less, is picky, keeps munching on favourite foods, etc. – make an appointment with the vet! From mild digestive problems to really bad digestive health, this is because serious and risky intestinal obstruction can have several causes.

2) Drinking too much or too little

Water consumption patterns are also good indicators. If the animal suddenly starts drinking a lot and peeing a lot, it could be a case of diabetes. It may also indicate kidney disease.

And if you don’t drink enough, the may indicate a digestive problem. In addition, low fluid intake can lead to many other complaints and even the risk of dehydration.

3) Difficult or rapid breathing

Strange, too rapid or difficult breathing is always a worrying symptom in dogs too! It could easily be that your frined just has a cold or allergies, but it could be a sign of something more serious. Take him to the vet to find out what is causing the complaint.

4) Vomiting or change in the dog’s stool

If your pet vomits up the food or has diarrhoea just one time, there’s no need to panic! Especially if it was really a one-off and the problem will go away on its own.

However, if you find that the animal’s droppings are constantly strange, this could indicate a number of diseases. Among others, inflammation of the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction or even severe allergies. Also, if diarrhoea is accompanied by vomiting, there is a suspicion of poisoning also suspected. Don’t delay with the doctor!

5.) Enervated or lethargic

Lack of energy and lethargy are of particular concern in puppies and young dogs. But your alarm bells have to start ringing when your adult pet conspicuously passive, lethargic. It may be ill or have other physical complaints.

6) Deteriorating sense of balance and difficulty moving

Lack of coordination of movements and difficult movement should always be checked by a veterinarian! It could easily be that the difficulty walking or limping is caused by an overstretched tendon, but behind the imbalance a neurological problem.

7) Irritated, red eyes

Your dog’s eyes from infection or some irritant or even physical injury. Secretions are also a warning sign. Be sure to show it to a doctor to get rid of this very unpleasant complaint as soon as possible!

8.) Rashes and hair changes

If a lot of rashes are accompanied by dry skin and a lacklustre coat, it’s usually caused by something food or other allergens. This needs to be investigated, because the constant itching is very disturbing and also painful for the dog.

9) Shivering, whining or crying

All the tremors both crying and whimpering can be indicate some kind of pain. Especially suspect injury if your companion is reluctant to be petted. He is probably hurt by your touch. If there is no visible damage to the animal, the doctor may will take an X-ray.

10.) Aggressive or unusual behaviour

Any time a dog’s behaviour suddenly gets “worse”, it is a sign of trouble. As people get nervous when sick or in pain, dogs react in the same way. Such an unusual change may be the too much barking, growling, pacing and any aggressive behaviour.

It is a mistake to see these as behavioural problems and try to “train” the animal. Instead, take him to the vet as soon as possible. It’s up to him to decide if everything is OK with your dog.

allergy symptoms Disease dog disease dog diseases dog drinking eating frequent drinking Health intestinal obstruction signs of illness symptoms of the disease veterinarian veterinary inspections

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