
Anaphylaxis in dogs: how to recognise the symptoms of this life-threatening condition

Kövess Péter

2024. August 17 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

medical condition

Anaphylaxis is extremely dangerous, so it's vital to recognise its symptoms early: your dog's life may depend on it.


The immune system plays an important role in protecting the dog from infections and other microscopic threats, but it can also be over-stimulated, leading to hypersensitivity or allergies.
Hypersensitivity can be mild or severe, or local or systemic. Severe systemic hypersensitivity is usually referred to as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Although anaphylaxis in dogs is rare, it is is considered a medical emergency. In such cases, urgent help should be sought.

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening condition in dogs

Anaphylaxis is very dangerous for your dog

Veterinarian Dr Andrea Bodó said that anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction at the body level.
It is triggered by an allergen from the body’s immune system and is caused by the release of histamine.

In veterinary practices, it is most commonly seen after vaccines, antibiotics or insect bites.

– adding that, fortunately, acute anaphylactic reactions are rare.
If it does happen, it requires immediate intervention, but even then the prognosis is poor.
“Generally speaking, the faster the symptoms develop, the worse the prognosis.” An anaphylactic reaction is typically

  • with itching,
  • redness all over the body,
  • with head oedema,
  • with diarrhoea,
  • vomiting,
  • swelling of the respiratory tract,
  • with subsequent shortness of breath, dyspnoea,
  • with circulatory failure,
  • with a drop in blood pressure,
  • and in the worst case, it can lead to circulatory arrest.

Often caused by insect bites

How to manage

According to the specialist, the treatment also depends on the nature and severity of the symptoms. In milder cases, antihistamine, a short-acting steroid given under the muscle or under the skinmay help.

In more severe cases, however, antihistamines should be supplemented with adrenaline, either intravenously or with resuscitation if necessary.

In our country, patients mostly arrive with head oedema due to insect bites, and hives are also common.
In such cases, we give antihistamines and steroids in a shot, which usually relieve the symptoms in a few hours.

“It’s also common to develop allergy symptoms to certain vaccines or antibiotics. In such cases, this is recorded in the medical record or in the vaccination booklet and their use is avoided.

In all cases, owners are asked to report any previous allergic reactions before vaccination or treatment. We always ask about this,” added Dr Andrea Bodó.

Did you know that some dog breeds are more prone to pollen allergies?
Which ones, you can find out click here to find out.
allergies anaphylactic shock anaphylaxis emergency insects veterinarian

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