
Should we take off the dog’s collar at night?

Hrdina-Bárány Zsuzsi

2024. September 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

While some dog owners believe that the home is the perfect time to give your pet a break from wearing a collar, others say it's unnecessary to take the collar off at any time. Here are some useful tips!


Is it better to always wear the collar, or should we occasionally give the dog a break from wearing it? Do dogs even like it, or is it just a necessary evil they have to put up with?

Every dog is different

The basic truth that every dog is different is also true when it comes to wearing a collar. Theexperts say that every dog reacts differently. Some dogs get excited when the collar comes off because they know that something they want will happen . But there are also dogs that don’t like to be off their collar because it’s usually before something ‘bad’ happens. For example when they have to go on a trip to a kennel or box.

The way dogs relate to a collar also depends on how it fits around their neck. If it’s too tight, it can irritate the skin, making it painful to wear. But it’s also not good if it’s too big, as it can easily get caught on the collar, causing panic and anxiety.

Negative effects

The collar can also be uncomfortable to wear in case of skin and neck sensitivities: on the one hand, if the if the dog is allergic to the skin, this dog collar can aggravate the symptoms. In such cases, the collar should only be worn if necessary and it is advisable to seek veterinary advice on the choice of the right material and design. It can also cause problems for the dog if there is any injury to the neck, whether it is a cut or a pulled muscle. In such cases, it is better to leave the neck free at night to avoid irritation of the area. In some long-haired breeds, such as Leonberger, the hairs under the collar can break off, which can be a serious problem when taking a dog to a show.

The relationship dogs have with a collar also depends on how it fits around their neck

When it’s better without it

Since accidents can happen at any time. For example puppies getting lost, it is advisable to keep a collar on the dog whenever possible, especially when walking on a lead or when travelling. However, there are times when it is perfectly acceptable, and safe, to remove the collar from your pet. For example, in cases like these!

  • Even the best fitting collars can become a choking hazard if the dog is in a cage or carrier. Dog collars can cause injuries if they get caught in gaps or bars. But accidents can also happen if, for example, a dog’s leg gets caught in the collar when scratching.
  • It is also advisable to take it off before bedtime to allow the fur and skin under the collar to breathe. But it can also help to calm a dog that scratches and scratches a lot at night. So, if you decide not to put the collar on your dog at night, make sure that he has no way of getting out of the house.
  • You can also remove the collar when playing with other dogs in a supervised, enclosed area, as this minimises the chance of dogs getting caught in each other’s collars. One thing to remember: always find out about the rules on collar and leash use!
  • If we’ve been caught in a downpour, or your dog’s coat gets wet from bathing or swimming, make sure you take the collar off as soon as you can. Firstly, to avoid breaking the fur, and secondly, so that it doesn’t prevent the coat and skin from drying. Only put it back on once it is dry to keep the dog’s skin healthy.

If there are no rules against it, you can take the collar off during a game

Collar and harness at the same time

The question may arise as to whether a dog should wear a collar even if it is normally walked in a harness. It is useful to know that a harness is not a complete replacement for a collar. It is important that the latter is worn even when the dog is walking in a harness. Harnesses are great for taking the pressure off the neck, they also provide extra control during walks and can even make the dog more relaxed.

However, they usually don’t have place for the dog’s bilet. So if the dog gets lost with only a harness on, whoever finds it won’t know how to contact the owner until they get to a place where they can read the mikrochip. But of course, once the walk is over, the harness can be removed. It is more restrictive than a collar, so it is not the most comfortable to wear for sleeping.

collar collar dog walking dog walking harness Pain skin allergy sleep walk

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