
Does the old dog not eat? These are some of the possible causes of the problem

László Enikő

2024. December 16 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

When a dog has no appetite, the owner suddenly thinks the worst. It is relatively common for older dogs to eat noticeably less than before. What might be the reasons for this?


Dogs need to be fed according to their age, as their needs are constantly changing over the years. For an old dog needs a low energy, low sodium and protein diet, but high in vitamins, minerals and fibre, and last but not least, a high quality diet. Above all, if your pet has not eaten for more than 24 hours, contact your vet immediately. In case of other, more serious symptoms (such as vomiting), don’t wait a day! The following is basically about healthy, ageing dogs.

Old dog

Your growing four-legged companion probably gets less exercise than when he was younger, so he doesn’t need energy-dense food, as can cause obesity. And being overweight particularly dangerous for older pets. In advanced age, dogs’ digestion slows down, so it is advisable to feed them more easily digestible foods (such as lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, eggs) or senior diets specially formulated for older pets. High fibre content is very important as slow digestion can lead to can cause constipation.

Ageing can also lead to a loss of appetite

Ageing can be accompanied by a loss of appetite without a health problem. Dogs typically get less exercise at this time, so they need less energy. As a result, they do not need as much food as they did when they were younger. However, if they are not eating at all or sleeping too much, it is always a good idea to see your vet.

Joint problems

Older pets may have joint problems. The animal has difficulty moving, slows down, and becomes visibly physically demanding. This may make it difficult for your dog to bend down to his bowl or to walk on slippery surfaces (such as tiles). A good solution may be to use a suitable piece of equipment to elevate the bowl so that your large pet can eat more comfortably. Also, make sure there is a non-slip surface around the bowl or place it closer to where your dog is.

Dental problems

One of the most common reasons dogs don’t eat is that chewing hurts them. This is often due to tooth or gum problems.

The tartar up close

The deposited tartar can lead to gingivitis and significantly damage the tooth structure. Over the years, the teeth of older dogs wear down, or wear out, making it difficult for them to chew. In fact, they may even your pet’s teeth are chipped which makes it painful for him to eat. You can recognise some of the typical symptoms yourself (red or bleeding gums, lots of tartar), but it’s best to seek help from your vet.

Heart and lung problems

For all living things, breathing is more important than eating. If your pet has a heart or lung problem breathing can be difficult for him, and this is exacerbated when eating. They also tend to sleep more, as their bodies have to work harder to deliver oxygen to their internal organs. If there is not enough oxygen, breathing becomes difficult and eating becomes more difficult.

An old Pug


Another possible cause of loss of appetite may be canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), which is essentially dementia in dogs. Older dogs with CCD may experience changes in their sleep-wake cycle, which means they may have shorter or longer wake times and restless nights. Dogs with CCD that experience restlessness and anxiety may have a significant reduction in appetite. But in some cases they may also not remember where their bowl is.

If the loss of appetite is accompanied by vomiting

If this is the case, you should see your vet as soon as possible, as it is very likely that there is a problem that only your vet can help with. It could be caused by stomach, liver or or kidney problems, diabetes or even cancer.

Dog at the vet

How to get him to eat?

If the loss of appetite is not due to a health problem, there are a few tricks you can use to get your pet to eat. If the food is dry, soak the grains in water to soften them and make them easier to eat. You can also try to gradually wean him onto wet food or you can cook it yourself which is much easier to eat. In the latter case, you can even try using purees, for example, by chopping, mincing or mashing the vegetables or fruit he needs. There are also dietary supplement powders available to give pets with this problem an appetite boost.

Contributed to this article Blanka Vékony, Dr Erzsébet Mák, Lívia Balogh: Good Diet for Dogs.

ageing dementia Feeding joint problem nutrition old dog

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