Can you give raw meat to your dog? We asked a vet
2024. September 4 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
2024. September 4 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
There is a serious debate about whether raw meat should be included in a dog's diet. Let's see what the pros and cons are.
One of the most common issues among owners is feeding raw meat to their dog. Some say it’s best for the dog, while others cite serious risks. Still, there are some considerations that can help you make the right decision.
Over the past decade, feeding dogs heat-treated, processed food has become commonplace.
However, some owners have moved away from canned food and have opted for a raw meat-based diet known as “Bones And Raw Food” (BARF). This is also referred to as a biologically appropriate raw diet.
The diet contains raw ingredients that are derived from the meat of wild or farmed animals.
It is argued that although the raw meat diet may meet the nutritional needs of dogs, there is no clear evidence that it is preferable for their health. But we do know that there are potential risks. There are many different organisations that do not support this type of diet.
Among them is the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), which has published a report on the effects of dietary restrictions on human and animal health. and human health of feeding cats and dogs raw meat.
Heat treatment of meat is recommended until it reaches a safe internal temperature that will kill or reduce the number of pathogens.
Any protein of animal origin can be contaminated with pathogenic organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli or Salmonella, which can lead to the development of serious food-borne diseases.
There is also a risk of human disease. This can come from handling the meat or human-to-animal infections which are particularly dangerous for the elderly, pregnant women, young people and immunocompromised patients. One study has shown that feeding dogs raw food can also contribute to antibiotic resistance.
Researchers tested faecal samples from 600 healthy pet dogs. They found that there was a detectable association between feeding raw meat and resistance to a particular antibiotic (fluoroquinolone) in E. coli infections.
There are a few alleged benefits that are regularly cited by proponents of the diet, but most of the claims are not scientifically proven and are anecdotal.
These include:
According to veterinarian Dr Andrea Bodó, BARF feeding is becoming more and more popular, while the other extreme is ready-to-eat dog food. These can contain many preservatives, flavour enhancers and colourings. She therefore believes that somewhere in between might be the optimal solution.
“In any case, from an epidemiological point of view, feeding raw pork to dogs is objectionable because it may play a role in the spread of the Aujeszky’s disease virus, or pseudo-rabies. Furthermore, the consumption of raw chicken meat, pork and eggs can cause salmonella infection. Taking all this into account, the feeding of specific raw meat is not recommended in the above cases. For other meats, it is recommended to give them to the dog at least frozen or at least boiled before feeding,” the expert said in response to our question.
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