
Can dogs eat rice?

Király Barbara

2024. August 25 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Almost everyone eats this side dish, but it's important to know if you can share it with your pet.


There are thousands of ways to prepare and eat it, and almost everyone has some in their pantry. But can dogs eat rice? In what form can they eat it? Which type should they be given? In this article, we explore the answers to these questions.

Can dogs eat rice?

Yes, dogs can eat rice. This side dish is not only non-toxic for dogs, but it can also be beneficial because it contains several essential vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B
  • Folic acid

Which type can they eat?

There are different types of rice, each varying in preparation and nutritional value. Let’s explore them to determine which is best for dogs:

White Rice: White rice can be a good addition to a dog’s diet as it provides adequate nutrients. The starch content in plain white rice can help bind your dog’s stools, and its fiber content can aid digestion. However, it’s important not to include it in their daily diet, as white rice has a high glycemic index, meaning it can raise blood sugar levels quickly. This can be particularly dangerous for dogs with diabetes.

Brown Rice: Brown rice is generally safer for dogs than white rice. It has a lower glycemic index and is higher in fiber, which can help dogs feel fuller for longer. However, this can sometimes slow down digestive processes, so it’s important to monitor how your dog reacts to it.

Jasmine/Basmati Rice: There isn’t much difference between white rice, basmati, and jasmine rice beyond their size and aroma. These types of rice are also safe for dogs and can be included in their diet in moderation.

How to make it safe for your dog

The best way to prepare rice for dogs is to cook the grains without adding salt. Different flavorings, such as butter or spices, can cause digestive problems in dogs. It has been reported that adding rice to their food can help cure diarrhea in dogs. However, always consult your vet before doing this. Diarrhea can be a symptom of many other more serious conditions that rice alone will not help, and these should always be treated by a veterinarian.

Additionally, as mentioned, due to the high glycemic index of rice, some dogs should not eat this side dish at all. Overall, if properly prepared, rice is safe for dogs and can even have positive effects. However, if you plan to use rice for medical purposes, consult your vet first to determine if it’s appropriate for your pet. We also discuss another beloved dish, pasta in this article.

dog eating rice safe human food for dogs

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