
Can your dog eat tomatoes and peppers?

Ferenczi Deborah

2024. July 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Most dogs want to taste anything, regardless of what their owner is eating. Whether it’s cherry tomatoes or beef steak, your pet will want to help with the consumption. Veterinarians generally do not recommend feeding dogs table scraps, but certain foods can occasionally be given as treats. Tomatoes are among these, provided that owners understand the risks.


Tomatoes contain some ingredients that can be harmful to your dog, and other animals too. Solanine is a substance found in the stems and leaves of tomatoes and related plants, and it is harmful to dogs in large quantities.

Can your dog eat tomatoes?

Fortunately, occasional consumption of tomatoes does not pose significant problems for dogs, as solanine is mainly concentrated in the green parts of the tomato plant. The leaves, stems, and young green tomatoes contain higher levels of solanine than ripe fruits. This means that ripe tomatoes are generally safe for dogs to eat. However, if you grow tomatoes in your garden, it is definitely a good idea to keep them out of your dog’s reach.

What can tomatoes cause?

If your dog has eaten the green parts of a tomato, check carefully for symptoms of tomato poisoning. The clinical signs of this are:

  • Digestive disturbances
  • Effects on the heart (e.g., arrhythmia)
  • Loss of coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tremors
  • Seizures

The good news is that these symptoms are rare, and if they do occur, the problem can be easily treated. But if you do experience these symptoms, make sure you see your vet.

So dogs can eat tomatoes?

The answer is that occasional consumption does not cause serious problems and does not pose a life-threatening risk. However, it is still recommended to keep dogs away from tomatoes and to fence off the garden.

Can dogs eat peppers?

It is certainly challenging for pet owners to keep track of which foods are harmful to dogs. One might wonder, for example, if dogs can eat peppers. The answer is clearly yes, as peppers are a food source rich in both nutrients and vitamins. According to Leasa Moltke, a pet nutrition expert at the Solid holistic pet food brand, peppers are rich in vitamins A, E, B6, and lutein, and are also an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. However, it is crucial to avoid giving dogs hot peppers and to offer other types only gradually and in moderation. In these cases, it may also be wise to remove the pepper stem, as it is not healthy for dogs.

Which peppers should not be eaten by your dog?

Primarily, you should avoid any spicy or salty varieties. It is also important to note that you should never give your dog strong types of peppers, such as jalapeños or chili peppers. Additionally, the outer skin of bell peppers can be tough and hard to chew, so it’s a good idea to steam or chop them to make it easier for your dog to consume and digest. Remember to always consult your veterinarian before introducing anything new into your pet’s diet.

Now that it’s summer, it’s worth finding out if your dog can eat ice cream. You might be surprised!

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