
One of the favorite refreshments of the summer is strictly forbidden for dogs

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. July 10 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

In the intense heat, we take every opportunity to cool ourselves down, as well as our pets. However, what works for you can be downright dangerous for them.


We’ve already experienced some really hot summer days, so you’ve probably had some ice cream, and maybe even been to the beach. Those who drink alcohol often refresh themselves with a cold beer in the scorching heat. Others can choose from a wide variety of non-alcoholic or fruity options. Since we’ve already covered the rules for eating ice cream, going to the beach, and swimming, let’s focus this time on the mentioned drinks. When it comes to beer, dogs require zero tolerance.

He also knows that the contents of the glass are not for him

Not a single sip of beer for dogs!

Although we fortunately have good experiences in this area, and the vast majority of our readers wouldn’t even think of offering alcoholic drinks or food to their dogs, we still cannot omit the warning: alcohol is poison for your pet, so dogs must not have beer either! The severity of the harm depends on individual sensitivity, the dog’s size, and the amount consumed. But you must know that even a small taste can easily result in death. So, don’t let them have even a sip or a lick! (Not to mention those videos showing tipsy, staggering animals, which might seem funny at first but can result in serious harm from such ‘entertainment.’)

It’s enough to just look away for a moment, and your clever pet will help itself. Stay vigilant!

Non-alcoholic beer is also dangerous for dogs

While the non-alcoholic version doesn’t cause poisoning, your pet has no need to consume such things. Moreover, the fruity, flavoured versions are sugary, and it’s even worse for your pet if they contain artificial sweeteners. Xylitol, also known as birch sugar, is a poison for dogs. It can cause a life-threatening condition even in small amounts.

The consequence of gluttony

Trouble can arise not only due to a careless owner but also from their inattention and the dog’s gluttony, which can quickly create a dangerous situation. Be especially mindful of sweet-scented drinks and cocktails, and never leave them unattended! Besides beer, these can also be tempting for dogs.

Veterinarians also warn: even simple brandy-filled chocolates can send your pet to the hospital, and the chocolate coating makes the situation worse, considering that the theobromine in it is also poisonous to dogs.

Another favorite summer refreshment is ice cream. Can your dog eat this? Here, we detail the rules.

beer beer for dog dog in summer dog poisoning poison summer

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