
These healthy snacks are poisons for your dog

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. September 18 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Manapság már számos jutalomfalat is kapható, mely nyugtató hatással bír

It is well known that various seeds and nuts are very healthy. But beware: what is "medicine" for us can be poison for our pets! Let's take a look at what to be very careful with!


Many owner like to share treats with their pets – that we are not so keen on, as too much snack can lead to obesity! – but it is very important that only healthy and safe food is fed to your dog. Examples of oil seeds and nuts are many are toxic to your dog.

Some oil seeds are forbidden for dogs, even if they are healthy for us

You will never get these seeds

  • Macadamia nuts: very toxic to dogs. Can cause weakness, inability to walk, vomiting, tremors and overheating. Symptoms usually appear within 12 hours of consumption.
  • Black walnut: also a strong poison. May cause vomiting and neurological symptoms.
  • Walnuts: non-toxic, but they often become mouldy, which can cause life-threatening conditions or, in worse cases, death.  As moulds can cause seizures, convulsions, nerve damage and gastrointestinal problems even in small amounts, you should take your dog to a doctor immediately! In addition, the high fat content makes it difficult to digest.
  • Raw cashews: avoided for dogs (and downright poisonous for cats).
    Raw cashew contains compounds that are more difficult to digest than roasted/cooked nuts.
    This can increase the likelihood of stomach upset.
  • Pistachios: also to be avoided as their high fat content can cause pancreatitis and bloating. Because of its size and the fact that it is usually sold in its shell, it is a choking hazard and can be difficult to digest, causing intestinal obstruction, especially in small dogs.
    It can also produce moulds that can damage the liver of dogs. They are often flavoured with salt, onion and garlic, which are also toxic to pets.
  • Hickory: due to its large size and shell, it often causes intestinal obstruction and choking, especially in smaller animals. And when mouldy, they contain mycotoxins that can cause seizures or neurological symptoms.
  • Pecans: not directly poisonous but, like walnuts, prone to mould. These are various micro-organisms, including toxigenic and pathogenic fungal species, which are not easily visible to the naked eye. These moulds, even in small quantities, can cause seizures and nerve damage. They can also cause gastrointestinal disturbances and obstruction.
  • Almonds: although not directly poisonous, it is not recommended to give them to pets, as their size and shape can make them easily choked or inhaled by the animal. Due to their high fat content, they can cause potentially serious gastrointestinal disorders and pancreatitis. They are often highly salted, which can cause water retention. This can be dangerous for pets with heart conditions. In addition, they are also prone to mould growth.Brazil nuts: non-toxic, but difficult to digest and high in fat (one of the most fatty seed). This can be particularly problematic for dogs with hyperlipidemia (high blood fat) and pets with a history of pancreatitis.

General symptoms of nut poisoning:

  • vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • constipation,
  • bloating,
  • fever,
  • rapid heartbeat,
  • abdominal pain (groaning, rapid breathing, painful reaction to touch),
  • loss of appetite,
  • weakness,
  • tremor,
  • difficulty walking or weakness of the legs,
  • seizures,
  • bloody faeces (may be as black as tar, due to digested blood),
  • orange coloured urine.

They are safe, but only in small amounts

  • Peanut: only the plain, shelled ones.
  • Hazelnut
  • Roasted cashew nut: only roasted.
  • Pine nut: only in very small amounts, because of their high fat content.
  • Sunflower seeds, unshelled, unsalted
  • Shelled, unsalted pumpkin seeds
  • Ground and cold-pressed flaxseed
  • Chia: before the same soakedas when we eat it.

Although these nuts and oilseeds are an excellent source of protein for your dog, they are also full of fibre and contain many vitamins and minerals, but should only be offered to your pet in moderation. The high fat content can lead to obesity and the aforementioned digestive problems and pancreatitis. Choking is also a danger with these seeds, so it’s best not to offer them whole. But as a cream or powder, for example mixed into your dog’s food.

Peanut butter is only safe if it does not contain any additives, sugar or xylitol. Xylitol is poisonous for you pet!

Be careful with peanut butter!

Although your pet can have peanuts, butter made from them is only safe if it is “all-natural”.
Sweetened, flavoured versions are unhealthy and products made with xylitol are very poisonous for your dog.

Seed mixtures are also dangerous

Seed mixes usually contain raisins, which together with grapes are toxic to dogs. In addition, they may contain seeds and nuts which are also toxic to your dog.

Grapes and raisins can also cause poisoning

Choose the safe one!

As you can see, although there are some safe seeds and nuts for your dog,but  there are also many risky ones. That, depending on the individual sensitivity of the animal, even those considered safe can cause serious health problems.
For this reason, it’s best to treat your pet to treats made specifically for dogs.

digestive problems nuts obesity oilseed overweight pancreatitis poisoning poisonous food

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