Symptoms and treatment of chemical poisoning in dogs: how to recognize the problem immediately
2020. September 3
2020. September 3
In case of chemical poisoning, immediate veterinary care is required. If you experience symptoms of this in your dog, it is important to act as soon as possible, but vomiting can often be harmful.
The forms of poisoning can be very diverse. Unfortunately, all of them can cause permanent damage to your pet, and in many cases can even end in death. That is why it is very important that every farmer knows how to recognize these symptoms. Chemical poisoning is particularly dangerous and requires immediate veterinary care. It’s sad, but in many cases the trouble is caused by an outsider who intends to harm your pet. It is also possible that it licks into chemicals that can be found in your household.
The symptoms of most poisonings are similar. Because they appear suddenly, you often only have minutes to intervene. The most important warning signs can be the following:
What symptoms the dog produces depends on the poison. If you know these, you can quickly deduce the source of the problem.
Don’t let your dog hunt snails. Many people use snail killers in their gardens. If your pet eats a specimen that has also tasted it or been in contact with it, your four-legged companion may also be at risk. It may happen that you don’t use it in your garden, but the snail visited a gate where someone poisoned it. If you have a dog, do not use such a chemical yourself, as even 1-2 grams of it can be fatal within three hours. Typical symptoms are lethargy, drooling, abdominal cramps, tremors.
Do not use this chemical around your home if you have pets. It can be deadly not only for rodents, but also for dogs. Its characteristic symptoms are white gums, low body temperature and lethargy. Vomiting blood and urine is also a sign of this.
Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common. Its sweet smell attracts unsuspecting people, who can lick and eat the food that has been infused with it. Its typical symptoms are weakness, muscle paralysis and kidney problems. The effect of the drug can appear even days later, but until then it is worth paying attention to how often the dog urinates – one of the signs of poisoning is if it does not urinate for a long time.
Its sweet taste can also be attractive to animals, so if you keep one at home, always keep it in a closed place. In case of poisoning, an immediate renal lavage performed by a veterinarian is necessary.
It is extremely important not to use such poisons in your garden if you keep animals. It is extremely harmful to them. Typical symptoms are drooling, muscle tremors, convulsions.
Such materials corrode immediately upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes. It is important that you do not try to remove it from your dog’s stomach either by vomiting or by administering a laxative, because it can only cause further problems, rather go to the vet! Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and skin rashes.
Although not specifically a chemical, it is important to mention that certain frogs can also be dangerous to your pet. Some species of frogs produce toxins, and if licked by an animal, severe poisoning can result. Common symptoms are drooling and vomiting. In severe cases, it can cause convulsions and blindness if it gets into the eyes. There are about 18 species of poisonous frogs in our country, but they do not pose a particular danger to dogs. If you are staying abroad, it is worth looking into whether you can encounter poisonous species.
If you notice any symptoms of poisoning and think you know what the cause might be, take a sample to the vet. He can examine the material, so he can find the source of the problem faster.
In many cases of poisoning, it is necessary to induce vomiting before arriving at the clinic. However, it is not recommended in the following cases, as it may harm your dog:
If it is highly likely that he has eaten these, do not vomit:
If the doctor still instructs you to do so, inject lukewarm salt water into the animal’s mouth with a syringe. This will most likely make you gag and then vomit. The point is to get the poison out of it. Add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of water for small dogs, and one to two teaspoons of salt for large dogs. Mix it thoroughly and inje
Although you yourself may not use chemicals in your garden and pack all substances harmful to dogs in a safe place, poisoning cannot be ruled out. Unfortunately, some bad guys can happen. That’s why it’s important to teach your dog not to accept food from strangers. You should also not let him eat something off the ground or drink from puddles while walking.
(Photos: Getty Images Hungary)
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