
You would never check for ticks on your dog in this spot

Gerhát Petra

2024. August 3 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The threat of ticks, which endanger our dogs, is increasing. These tiny bloodsuckers can hide not only in the fur but also in a place where you would never think to look.


INature has drawn attention to a peculiar body part that ticks favor as a hiding spot, yet most owners overlook during inspections. Specifically, it is the mouth of the dog and gums where one would not expect ticks to be hiding.

Ticks can enter to the mouth of the dog

We cannot emphasize enough, how much of a threat these small, seemingly insignificant insects, like ticks and other bloodsuckers, pose to our dogs’ health. It’s necessary to protect our pets from parasites all year round, not just in summer, which includes protection against ticks. Many are content with using various repellent products. However, while these products are effective against the diseases and infections transmitted by ticks, they do not necessarily prevent the tiny parasites from settling on our pets.

ven the most thoroughly de-parasitized dog’s fur can harbor ticks. This results in unpleasant moments and potentially a lot of extra work for the owners, depending on the quality, length, and condition of the dog’s fur after each walk. But not only the fur and paws need to be checked, but also the mouth!

Contrary to popular belief, ticks can establish themselves not only on the external skin surface. The dog’s mouth and gum also offers them a free meal. These areas are rich in blood vessels, making them easy prey for these tiny insects.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to check the oral cavity, especially the junctions of the teeth and gums.

Ticks can spread numerous diseases

Our pets can contract Lyme disease, encephalitis (also known as tick-borne encephalitis), and, in rarer cases, babesiosis from them. The marbled dog tick, typically found in forests, marshy areas, and parks, mainly spreads babesiosis, also known as canine malaria. The dog tick, which also spreads babesiosis and tick-borne hemorrhagic fever among dogs, has also appeared in our country.

Even if we use appropriate products against ticks, we cannot be completely safe! Ticks can finish their journey indoors and then settle on an indoor dog or even on us or other household pets.

babesia dog disease encephalitis Lyme disease parasite protection against parasites tick

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