
This autumn crop can give your dog deadly poisoning

Gerhát Petra

2024. September 6 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Autumn leaves are a great playground for dogs. While nature's resting nature entices animals with a host of new smells, the sound of crunching leaves and tactile stimulation to stimulate neurons, there can also be deadly dangers lurking beneath the undergrowth.


heThe walnut lurking under the fallen leaves can be a tasty treat for owners and dogs alike, but if they are not healthy, they can carry a serious risk of poisoning.

Infected walnuts lurking in the leaves can cause fatal poisoning in dogs

Walnut trees can be found in many places

There are countless walnut trees along the roads and streets of our country, because in the old days the walnut tree was the sacred tree of the Hungarians in the folk tradition. The walnut trees, with their broad canopies that shade the land in summer, bear fruit in autumn and protect it from frost in winter, were lined up in front of every worthwhile doorway. When a child was born in the family, a walnut tree was planted on the same level, a tradition that is still alive in many places. The walnut tree can even live to be a matousalian tree, with up to 5-6 generations of children.

However, an unexpected threat has been destroying these trees over the past decade, endangering not only the crops but also the wildlife. An invasive species of insect introduced to Europe in the 1980s, the nutcracker foolfly, reached our country in early 2012. The pest hatches its eggs in unripe, still green walnuts. Infestation becomes visible on the green shell already in summer, the larvae feeding on it cause it to turn black, it falls off the tree prematurely, the shell sticks to the nut shell like a mantle. In this case the walnuts become mouldy and inedible.

Walnuts are not harmful to dogs, provided they are healthy. However, care should always be taken not to break the shell and swallow it

The dog could die because of the walnut poisoning

The aromas of walnuts are also very tempting for dogs, even though they are can be easily eaten from the ground if it falls off and spoils. Walnuts contaminated by the nut fly can cause fatal poisoning. The sudden onset of poisoning, with epileptic symptoms, tremors, ataxia, fever and intense salivation, can be fatal within hours.

A a disease called tremorgenic mycotoxicosis fungal infection during nut decay is caused by a fungal infection. Symptoms appear within 2-3 hours of eating the nuts. They are from. If there is a possibility of poisoning, every minute counts and a doctor is needed!

Watch out for these symptoms

The Civil Animal Rescue Foundation of Érdi helps you to recognise the symptoms with the following video:

There is a high chance of walnut poisoning if the following symptoms occur after a walk:

  • sudden rise in body temperature
  • intense, foaming salivation
  • tremor

If you notice these on your dog, act quickly, home remedies can be dangerous in this case, contact a professional! Tremogenic mycotoxicosis can lead to respiratory paralysis and death.

Autumn danger in the garden dog nut poisoning nuts poisoning

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