
Be the witness a wonderful encounters in the animal world (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. May 30 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

In the video, we can see two very different animals, each reacting in a completely different way to this unique encounter. It's all emotion in the footage.


The photographer, Jacob Buck, captured the video on the Arctic tundra, where the paths of an Arctic fox and a snowy owl crossed.

The Arctic fox cub (belonging to the Canidae) became so excited at the sight of the snow-white giant that it couldn’t contain its joy for a moment; it jumped around and invited the bird to play. The bird, quite visibly, did everything to ignore the exuberant little one. The accompanying music in the above video emphasizes the fox’s perspective, while the video below reveals more of the snowy owl’s emotions.

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animals Arctic fox video wild animals

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