
Four against one: the owner has no chance – video

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. April 10 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

When it comes to food, nothing can stand between the pack and a good meal.


For the majority of dog owners, it’s nothing new when their dog begs. Some dogs, as soon as they smell that their owner has put even just a crumb in their mouth, will immediately come to their side to see if they can get a treat.

Those eyes!

The dogs in the video below have taken the art of begging to a whole new level: they team up to ambush the owner, who is seemingly able to resist the dogs’ puppy eyes. But we have a sneaking suspicion that he didn’t last long.

Watch the video by clicking here.

You can prevent the bad habit

Deep down, all dogs are opportunistic. No matter when they were last fed, they will try to get a bite when you sit down at the table. Dog food that is specially manufactured for them is sufficient for a healthy life. So they do not need to be given extra bites of human food. In fact, some foods are harmful to them.

So it is important not to get your dog used to snacking from your plate. And if you have already managed to accidentally train your pup to beg, try to stop the bad habit as soon as possible. We know how hard it is to say no to a sad-eyed pet. But trust us, it’s in its best interest that you don’t give in.

Did you know that a feeding mistake could kill your pet? Click here to find out what it is and how you can avoid it.

begging dog dog video feeding your dog Food monetisation video

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