
This man spread open a crocodile’s jaws to save his dog (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. September 9 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

In desperate situations, when their pet's life is on the line, owners can show incredible courage. What presence of mind!


The man spread open the crocodile’s jaws and lifted the reptile out of the water to save the dog. He did all of this with such a nonchalant attitude that he didn’t even take the cigarette out of his mouth during the entire rescue. According to our information, the little dog escaped the encounter with only a few scratches.

While we cannot express enough admiration for the resourceful owner, there are two lessons to be learned from this incident. The first is the often-repeated issue of using a leash. Even in areas that seem safe, it’s worth walking the dog on a leash, which can prevent and avoid many accidents. The second is that just because a crocodile attacks a dog, it doesn’t make it a monster! As we highlighted in our recent story about a cougar, humans are expanding, occupying more and more of wild animals’ habitats. We can’t blame a wild predator for attacking easy prey.

animal rescue crocodile video wild animal wild animal dog

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