
What to do if it’s very windy? Why you shouldn’t expose your dog to this kind of weather

Ferenczi Deborah

2024. December 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Windstorms are scary in themselves, especially the noise they make. They can cause enormous damage, and even more serious gusts can endanger human and animal lives. You should also pay extra attention to your animals during stormy winds! A significant percentage of dogs are scared of thunderstorms. Although not all animals are equally frightened by these phenomena, and some may show very little signs of stress or fear, it is still worth protecting all dogs equally from these weather events. They can cause a number of very serious problems.


Despite the fact that the significant wind storms may not always be accompanied by thunder or lightning, dogs fearing storms are often very sensitive to strong winds. The sound of the wind howling through trees and buildings can be very frightening in itself. Not to mention the noise it makes, such as the crackling of falling trees, the rattling of shutters, garden gates, doors and chimneys. Just think how much more frightening these noises can be for your dog if you are sometimes frightened by them yourself.

What to do if your dog is afraid of windstorms?

If you can, be sure to take the animal indoors. This is not only very important because they may be frightened by the sound of a gale. But also because a strong wind could push the gate in and the dog could run away. A dog that wandered away from home can easily run out in front of cars. Endangering not only their own safety but that of the other participants of traffic. For this reason, if you live in a house with a garden, make sure you take your dog inside in the event of a major windstorm.

Try to block out the noise

If your dog is afraid of the sound of the wind, find a room in your home that is relatively soundproof. It may also help to turn on a radio, TV or, if there is no other solution, a household appliance, as these also muffle the wind noise. It is very important to remember that if your dog is scared, stay close to them. This this will definitely calm them down. However, you should not pet them as this will reinforce that there is indeed something to be feared. Stay calm and confident and your dog will calm down too! It is also a good idea to use a swaddle or a thunder shirt if your dog is very stressed.

Always walk him on a lead, especially in windy weather

Keep your dog on a lead on walks, whether they are scared or not! Because even a dog that is not afraid can easily panic and run away if the wind picks up an object and it falls right next to them. Also, noises and strong gusts of wind can be very frightening. Make sure you only walk your pet on a lead. If they are frightened by something, they can easily run away in fright. If they are in a place, they are not familiar with, they can easily get lost. It is best not to take your dog out for a walk at all in windy weather. It’s important to avoid walks under old trees and never take a forest path. It is easy for branches to break in high winds, or in the worst case, a whole tree can fall. Urban walks can be dangerous as well, so if it’s very windy, stay indoors and don’t go out.

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