
A lot of dog food contains corn, but is it good for your dog’s health?

Király Barbara

2024. August 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Many dog foods contain this vegetable, but can dogs digest it properly? Can dogs even eat corn?


There are many myths among dog owners about eating corn. Many believe that this food cannot be digested by dogs, while others believe that they can eat it safely. But what is the truth? Can dogs eat corn? These are the questions we seek to answer in this article.

Can dogs digest corn?

The corn in dog food can be digested by dogs. However, it is worth noting that a large proportion of intestinal blockages in dogs are caused by the cob of the corn, and raw corn kernels are also not good for their digestive tract. Dogs, like humans, can digest vegetable starches to a large extent. While raw starch is about 60% digestible, cooked starch is about 95%.

Is corn just a filler in dog food?

This misconception is probably due to the fact that corn is cheap and can be included in even the worst quality dog food, but the carbohydrate content of this vegetable is not just a calorie for dogs. The digestible starchy carbohydrate sources provide a great source of energy for dogs.

Maize also contains some vitamins, linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, and fibre, which promotes proper bowel movements. However, in high amounts, the carbohydrate content of corn can lead to obesity and diabetes so always make sure you get the right amount.

Raw corn is not good for dogs’ digestive tracts

Why corn gluten is useful

Corn gluten meal is often included in dog food ingredients. But what exactly is it?

Corn gluten meal: Corn gluten meal is the main protein in the endosperm of a corn, consisting mainly of zein and glutelin. It is a by-product of maize processing, traditionally used as animal food. Despite its name, corn gluten does not contain real gluten. However, it is often used as a source of protein instead of animal proteins. However, it is not the best source of protein for dogs or humans because it lacks many essential amino acids. It is therefore worth supplementing with other protein sources to ensure that your dog gets the right nutrients.

Can corn cause allergies?

It is often heard that the corn causes allergies in dogs. However, this is a misconception. While it is possible that some dogs are sensitive to this vegetable, it is not common and is very rare. There are several cases of manufacturers using maize as an alternative dietary ingredient in diets for dogs allergic to animal proteins.

Boiled corn can be digested by dogs

Do not give your dog large amounts of corn

Although corn can be a good ingredient in your dog’s diet, it is best avoided in large quantities. Always check the nutritional level of the food you choose to ensure that it contains the right proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrate to ensure a healthy balance. If you are not sure what food your pet needs, ask your vet for advice.

As it turns out, corn is not half as bad for dogs as many believe it is. But there are some foods that can be dangerous for dogs, and every owner should know about them.

corn dog food dry food Food human food for dogs

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