6 signs your dog is jealous: how to deal with it

2024. August 31 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love My Dogz
2024. August 31 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love My Dogz
When a new pet arrives, it can be stressful for the senior dog. We'll help you find ways to remedy the situation so you can get peace and quiet as soon as possible.
Although in this case, jealousy is not exactly the way we use the term between humans, it is a fact that our pets can be disturbed by the unexpected appearance of another animal. One who, it turns out, is staying, and now has to share both the home and the attention of a beloved owner. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent the problem and get through the initial sensitive period as quickly as possible. But first, let’s look at what shows when a dog is jealous! These behaviours can show up not only when a new four-legged friend arrives, but also when you want to pet another dog while you’re out for a walk. So we recommend reading on even if you’re not planning to add more pets just yet.
Suzanne Hetts, an applied animal behaviourist and co-owner of Animal Behavior Associates in Littleton, Colorado, says that jealousy between animals can best be compared to a competitive situation. As he points out, another dog, a cat or even a human can trigger the following reactions from an animal.
It is also typical for the sensitive dog to start doing its business inside the house. Piss stains or other types of piles are an indication of stress. (Other times there may be a medical reason for the sudden upset in housetraining, but if a new animal has been introduced, it is more likely to be psychological. In any case, we recommend you talk to your vet about it; a check-up is never unnecessary.)
It’s a typical sign when your pet suddenly becomes your shadow and you can’t do a thing without it. Like a sticker, it sticks to you. This may seem flattering, but it’s not good for the dog and will eventually become a problem for you, so don’t put up with this change in behaviour. Constant snuggling and frequent kisses are also in this category.
Your dog’s jealousy can act as a roadblock. If he keeps getting in your way and you can’t literally step away, there’s probably a reason: he’s trying to control you. For example, to keep you away from your new pet. It’s also a way to get your attention.
Just like children, who try to get their parents’ attention with various performances, dogs also use this method. If you notice your four-legged friend playing tricks or carrying his ball at your feet with unusual enthusiasm, it ‘ s probably a way of trying to get you to play along.
At the other extreme, the jealous dog will take himself and withdraw from the space. If your pet is visibly avoiding your company and has become withdrawn, you can take this as a sign.
Like humans, insecurity can be at the root of jealousy in dogs. If your pet is afraid of losing a beloved owner, or at least their attention, it can cause anxiety. What you can do when a new pet or family member arrives is to keep all your habits and add extra activities to your life. An extra walk, playing ball in the park or snuggling up on the sofa are all perfect. This will help to calm your dog down as soon as possible. Plus, all pets get the same amount of attention, petting and affection. That way, peace will be sacred.
It is also very important that the newcomer does not usurp the place of the senior dog. His bed, his toys, his bowl are sacred – quite rightly so. He should not have to share these with anyone.
Overcrowding can also cause conflict, so try to ensure that there is enough space for everyone. You should also take this into account when choosing the breed of dog you want. Positive reinforcement also goes a long way; always praise your pets when they play nicely together. You can also give them a treat.
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