
The 7 cutest signs your dog loves you

Molnár Enikő

2025. March 24 - Photos: azenkutyam.hu

It is important for pet owners to know that their pet loves them. We have gone through what the most affectionate signs of your dog’s attachment are.


Would you also like to make sure that your four-legged companion is happy beside you, and wants to be with you out of love? We understand, and that is exactly why we have gathered those typical signs which show that the dog really loves you.

Everything can be read from the eyes of dachshunds! / Photo: azenkutyam.hu

1.) Joyful body language

The bum moving back and forth when you come home, the vigorously wagging tail, the emotion-overflowing little barks are all intended to express the dog’s happiness towards you. The reason for this is that you have arrived, and they can see you. It is also telling if your pet is motionless, yet does not take their gaze off you.

2.) Gifts

Just as among people, gift-giving also has significance in the dog-owner relationship. If your pet honours you with their favourite toy, they wish to express with that, that you are important to them.

The toy given to you is one of the most beautiful gestures.

3.) After food, you come next

Eating – we do not even need to explain – is extremely important for animals. However, if the place following food on the list of priorities is taken by your person, then it is clear that this dog indeed really loves you. How can you know where your place is on the podium? If, after eating, once the bowl is empty, their first path leads to you, then indeed the silver is yours. At such times, they often enjoy a little cuddling and stroking.

4.) If your dog would always sleep with you, the main reason is that they love you

If your pet loves sleeping with you, or at least near you, that clearly indicates that you are important to them. This way, even in the darkness of night, they can watch over you (this is a kind of evolutionary inheritance; under the cover of night, many threatening things could be expected).

The choice of sleeping place can also be a sign that your dog loves you/ Photo: azenkutyam.hu

5.) Expressive gaze

The eye is also the mirror of the soul in the case of dogs. When your companion looks deeply and softly into your eyes, that says more than if they could speak. A very interesting experiment proved that this is a sign of attachment.

6.) You are good for them in every way

This statement, of course, is an exaggeration, since we could say that they love you so much, it doesn’t bother them if you are sweaty or your breath is not fresh, but we know that, on the one hand, dogs relate differently to smells. On the other hand, research in this direction has pointed out that in their case, the natural scent of the owner carries special significance.

This Staffordshire Terrier truly has an expressive gaze!

7.) Follows you everywhere

If your pet would spend most of their time with you, that also indicates how much they love your company. But be careful! If this takes on a pathological extent, and the dog almost becomes your shadow, then they might be anxious because of something. In such cases, it is worth observing their behaviour, and if you see it could be a problem, talk to the vet about it.

anxiety attachment dog love dog love language dog sign of love exspress love

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