
Is your dog sometimes overexcited? 5 methods to calm them down

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. June 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

We've gathered the reasons that may trigger frantic behavior in your pet, and we'll also tell you what you can do about it.


It often happens that some dogs get overexcited, and this excess energy can manifest in various ways. When a dog is overexcited, it’s not good for them or their surroundings. Therefore, it’s important to understand what triggers this reaction in your pet, and it’s also good to know how to calm them down in such situations. Let’s look at what might be causing your dog’s excited behavior!

Reasons behind overexcitement

Let’s go through what can cause a dog’s excited behavior! There can be multiple reasons behind it.

1.) Pain

Pain can cause dogs to exhibit a range of unusual behaviors, one of which is excessive, seemingly unjustified activity. However, this is more about restlessness than sheer exuberance, and you will likely notice this difference. The pain can be caused by some kind of trauma – an accident, blow, or injury. But often the animal suffers from hip or elbow dysplasia. In older dogs, rheumatism is also a common cause.

2.) Neurological disorders

In addition to diseases that cause pain, there are certain neurological disorders that can cause behavioral changes in your dog. For example, vestibular syndrome directly affects dogs’ spatial orientation and balance. Affected dogs often spin in circles or walk with their heads tilted to one side. Numerous congenital disorders can also lead to restless behavior, such as hydrocephalus.

3.) Age-related complaints

As mentioned, certain diseases are more common in older animals, and the decline in their sensory abilities is also characteristic in the latter stages of life. Vision and hearing loss can be very disturbing for your pet, making them restless. Additionally, Alzheimer’s disease is a typical problem in old age.

4.) Parasitic infection

If you notice that your dog is excited, restless, scratching a lot, or whining, you might suspect that they are suffering from some external or internal parasite. Changes in stool consistency, vomiting, wounds on the skin, loss of appetite, and bloating are all warning signs that should be taken seriously!

5.) Stress and anxiety

Just like in humans, dogs can also experience restlessness due to stress and anxiety.

6) Sedentary lifestyle

If your pet isn’t sufficiently exercised or doesn’t receive enough mental stimulation, they can easily become hyperactive because they’re bursting with excess energy.

How to calm your pet?

After discussing the triggering factors, let’s go through what you can do to ensure your dog’s calmness.

1.) Medical assistance

If you suspect that your dog is suffering from a disease, plagued by parasites, or their health has deteriorated due to age, then the first step should be to consult a veterinarian!

2.) Professionals

If you feel that your pet is stressed or anxious for any reason, it’s worth involving a professional in problem-solving. This could be a behavior therapist, a trainer, a dog psychologist, or you can also consult a veterinarian for these issues.

3) Socialisation

As we’ve mentioned many times before, socialization is one of the cornerstones of a balanced dog’s life. For puppies, it’s essential that they are exposed to many different stimuli during the early stages. Encounters with other animals, meeting people, getting to know different locations and life situations all help them become mentally strong adults. However, it’s not too late for adult animals either! Try out new things with your pet, introduce them to unfamiliar objects and situations.

4.) Exercise

It’s recommended to take your pet outside several times a day. During these times, don’t just walk, but also play a little! Various dog sports can also help to burn off excess energy, but hiking is also a good choice for this.

5) Exciting environment

In addition to releasing tension outdoors, you can greatly improve your pet’s well-being by spicing up the indoor environment with a few new toys. For indoor dogs, an environment that becomes dull over time will once again capture their attention.

If the problem occurs at night

Some pets experience nighttime restlessness. This prevents the animal’s body from physically and mentally regenerating – since sleep serves this main function. In such cases, among the factors listed above, it’s worth checking whether your pet’s bed is comfortable enough and whether there are any disruptive factors in the house or outside that could keep them awake.

The room temperature can also be disturbing: dogs don’t like to sleep in either too warm or too cold environments. Similarly, drafts can be bothersome, as can light. Try to provide a calm sleeping area for them, eliminating anything that could disturb their sleep.

Summer has arrived. So it’s important to talk about the proper cooling of dogs. Click here to find out if it’s okay to use an air conditioner near your pet, and if so, how.

Alzheimer's disease anxiety anxious dog Disease dog and human relationship dog with high energy flea hip dysplasia hyperactive dog hyperactivity intestinal worms old dog parasite restless dog restlessness sleep stress stressed dog tick veterinarian worming

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