
Why it’s not cute when your dog steals food

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. June 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

As owners, we often laugh at the occurrence, but there can be serious consequences for such an action.


There are countless videos on social media of dogs stealing food in front of cameras set up in the home. As soon as the owner is not paying attention, an opportunistic dog flies at the unattended morsels. But this carries serious risks – we’ll talk about what is very important to watch out for.

Kitchen utensils and knives left unattended can cause injury

“They can’t reach it anyway”

You would think that a plate placed up on a high counter would be safe from a smaller dog. But as you can see in the video below, these pets are capable of some amazing manoeuvres to get their hands on the treat they’re after. It is therefore important never to leave food unattended on the counter or table. If only because the dog could be injured while prowling around the kitchen. They could fall or even hurt themselves with kitchen utensils.

“They know what they can and cannot eat”

If only! Unfortunately, however, dogs do not have such a refined sense and will happily eat food that may be toxic to them. We cannot stress enough the importance of being a responsible pet owner and learning which human foods are allowed to be fed to your pet and which are on the no-go list.

In the upcoming summer heat there is nothing like ice cream. But can our four-legged friend try this cooling treat? Click here to find out.

Always lock doors and cupboards and, if necessary, protect the fridge with a child lock

 Dogsafe home

To keep your pet safe even when you’re not home – and not let the home camera be the one to tell you they are opening the fridge and serving themselves – keep an eye on.

Put the jars high: the higher the shelves and bowls used to store food, the less chance your dog will get to get to them. Even the most determined dog can’t get to the top of the cupboard.

Always lock the doors: Do not leave pantry or cupboard doors open. Some dogs can learn to open them. If you experience this, bring out the child lock!

Replace the simple bin: use a bin with a secure locking mechanism. Fresh food is one thing, but some dogs also like to rummage in the bin.

To make your home dog-friendly, you’ll need to consider a number of other factors. These include the type of cleaning products you use. Click here to know which ones you should avoid around pets.

dog safe at home dog stealing food dog-friendly home human food for dogs safe human food for dogs

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