That’s why you should never use your phone while walking your dog

2024. June 5 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love My Dogz
2024. June 5 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love My Dogz
Taking a walk might seem like a great opportunity to make a few important calls, but we have a compelling reason why you shouldn't use your phone during this time.
We know that everyone is in a rush today, or at least most people are. There’s a ton of things to do, and a very tight schedule is needed to get everything done. Thus, multitasking, or doing things simultaneously, has almost become a basic skill. However, there are situations where it’s worth focusing solely on the activity at hand. Walking your dog is one of these situations, both for your physical and mental well-being.
Let’s start with the former! When you’re walking, you’re often near roads, encountering cyclists on sidewalks, other dog walkers, and sometimes wild animals. We don’t need to explain how risky it is if you’re not paying enough attention to your pet and yourself in such situations. One careless moment, an unexpectedly appearing vehicle, and trouble can arise!
It’s a mistake to think you can give equal (let alone maximum) attention to both your dog and your phone. First, your attention is divided between tasks, and second, one of them will definitely take priority. We want that to be your dog, fully enjoying your company!
We have another reason based on your mental and emotional state. After a long workday, both you and your four-legged companion need to unwind. To your dog, you are literally everything—the center of their world, the one who gives meaning to their existence. Appreciate this and honor your pet by focusing solely on them during your walk.
Additionally, you need to set aside work and other tasks for this short period, allowing yourself to relax, slow down, and refresh. Believe me, you will be much more effective afterward and feel better too.
Besides multitasking, another popular concept nowadays is mindfulness, which can be explained as complete or conscious presence; when your mind focuses solely on one thing and, by deeply engaging in it, you are able to fully experience the moment. Walking your dog is an opportunity to practice this.
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