
Why are dogs afraid of storms?

Király Barbara

2024. July 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Each storm can really scare dogs. We'll teach you how to make this period easier for your pet.


Storms accompanied by thunder and lightning, which often occur in the summer heat, can be very stressful for many dogs. While some only show mild symptoms, there are others who may harm themselves due to stress. But what causes frustration in dogs, and what can be done to prevent them from being afraid of storms? This is what we seek to answer.

The best thing you can do for your dog is to let it hide in a safe place

Why do dogs hate storms?

The most common reason is definitely the sound effect. Because dogs’ hearing is much more sensitive than ours, thunder is much louder for them. They instinctively run away from noise, which is why you may see your dog hiding under something after the first rumble. Besides sound, dogs are also sensitive to changes in air pressure and static electricity.

3 tips to calm your dog during a storm

  1. Provide a safe place for your dog: the best thing you can do for your dog is to let him hide in a safe place. Don’t punish him if he does something in fear or whines or barks loudly. For a dog in an anxious state, punishment will only make the situation worse.
  2. Background noise can be helpful: if your dog can’t see or hear thunder and lightning, it can help him stay calm. Some soothing background noise, such as classical music or the TV on, can help your pet get through the stress of the storm.
  3. Calm your dog with treats and toys: if you see that your pet is becoming very anxious, in addition to staying close and gently comforting them, it can also help to use a combination of tried-and-true treats and toys. These two can help redirect their attention from the events happening outside.

Learn to interpret your dog’s body language

It can be stressful for you to see your dog’s behavior suddenly change, such as destroying things or whining loudly. However, instead of scolding them for their behavior, try to interpret their body language. Understanding why they are acting a certain way will help you manage these situations better. For example, if a dog is yawning, it might be due to stress. If you can identify these signs before the storm begins, you can prepare in the ways mentioned earlier to make the situation easier for your furry friend.

Did you know that dogs are also affected by fronts? They can react to them in a similar way to humans. Click here to find out all about the topic.

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