
Why do dogs lie with their hind legs stretched out?

Hangai Lilla

2024. May 19 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

We think it's one of the cutest positions you'll ever see a dog lie in, but many people are concerned about it because of suspicions of hip dysplasia. Are their concerns justified?


Here’s how to find out if this characteristic stretched-legged lying pose, of dogs is a cause for concern.

Wonderful paws

The dogs’ stretched-legged lying pose, and what’s behind it… or under it

There are breeds, such as the Corgis and French Bulldogs in which this behaviour is particularly characteristic. However, it can be seen in dogs of all sizes and breeds, and even in cats on occasion. Dr Chris Brown Veterinarian says that while many people are concerned about this behaviour, the pose indicates that the animal has a very flexible hip joint. Otherwise, they would not be able to lie like that, at least not unless they were in pain or discomfort. So, it can be said that the pose is comfortable for the dogs.

On the one hand, it allows them to stretch their joints and muscles. On the other hand, deep-chested breeds, such as the Frenchie, can help the animal lie more stably and thus breathe more evenly. Thirdly, this causes the belly, the area with the thinnest hairs, to come into contact with the ground, cooling the body. No wonder this technique is more common in the warmer months.

Interestingly, as puppies are more flexible, the behaviour is evident from a very young age. This can persist into adulthood and usually does until some limiting factor in the dog’s life arises. These can include arthritis, trauma to the leg, lower body or muscle coordination problems.

Dogs that relax in this way have flexible joints

When should you worry?

As Dr. Brown points out, the pose, rather than causing harm, is a sign of flexible hip joints, but not necessarily loose or hip dysplasia. The lumbar part of dogs with the disease, or more precisely the muscles of the thigh girdle, are very tight, so this position would be difficult or impossible for them to do.

But it is important to keep these joints and cartilage healthy with low-intensity but regular exercise and sport. For example, jumping or chasing a ball. Now that the good weather is coming, be careful not to over-exercise your dog. Especially in hot weather and avoid stairs with short-legged breeds.

However, in any case, visit the vet if your puppy starts lying down like this after an accident. Whether minor or major or if they just start lying down like this from one moment to the next, even though you have never seen them do this before. It can also be a tell-tale sign if the new habit is accompanied by limping, reduced activity and appetite, scratching or licking.

Click here to learn about the meaning behind dogs’ sleeping positions.

characteristic behaviour dog lying healthy dog hip dysplasia lying position

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