4 simple ways to show your dog how much you love them

2024. February 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love my dogz
2024. February 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary; Love my dogz
Surely it is important to you that your pet knows how much they mean to you. But communication can easily go awry if you don't express your feelings properly. We show you how to do it right!
Your dog’s love can take many forms: their tender glances, their devotion, their eagerness to protect, the way they snuggle up next to you on the sofa at night, and many more (that we expand upon in this article). But how you as their owner let them know just how much you love them is also an important issue. Because sometimes, despite the best of our intentions, it doesn’t go as planned. There is no doubt that you love your dog, but to avoid any misunderstandings, here are some of the gestures that will be obvious to your pet.
It is well known that food and the offering of food have an important added value among humans. Moreover, it’s one of the so-called love languages. Keeping your dog on the right diet is one of the most important things you can do for them.
You can also present your dog with a treat or two every now and then. But it matters what and how much the dog gets as a snack. Firstly, food as a reward works well during training. A tasty bite or two is a real treat for the animal, but be very careful to only offer them something that is safe for them. Here, you can read more about some off-limits foods for dogs that can cause poisoning or upset their stomach.
It is also very important not to overdo the snacking! Obesity in dogs is an epidemic, with serious health complications, from joint problems to diabetes and a shortened life span. Don’t hurt your pet out of love, and limit their intake– because they certainly won’t!
The long minutes of baby-talk goodbyes can be very upsetting for the animal. For instance, they might rightly think that such an interaction is will be followed by some sort of joyful activity together. Instead, you go away and he is left alone, which will be clearly frustrating for them. This can contribute to separation anxiety. (If you want to know more about anxiety in dogs, read this article.)
A light caress, a few kind words and off you go! So, the dog won’t make a big deal out of your departure.
Although each breed has its characteristics, dogs are very colourful individuals; no two are alike. As an owner, it’s your job to get to know your pet. Know what gives them pleasure and what they are reluctant to do; recognise when he is hungry, tired, tense or drained of energy; notice when he is in pain or sick.
Once you know all about your four-legged companion, the next thing to do is to respect its boundaries. Don’t take him to a crowd when he’s stressed, and don’t confine him to four corners when it’s clear he needs a big run. Let him go when he wants privacy and be there when he needs you.
Do you love your dog so much that you would even protect them from the wind? We ask you not to overdo it. Because of over-protection, you can easily fall into the trap of keeping your pet away from situations that would bring them joy. Encounters with other dogs, sniffing the streets, exploring new places, and feeling the wind on their skin, mud and water all make a dog happy. Don’t deprive them of these!
Of course, we’re not saying that everything should be allowed without hesitation, but that it’s up to you to assess whether there are any real risks in a given situation. And here the emphasis is on “real”. For example, it makes sense not to let them go up to a visibly anxious, aggressive-looking animal, but if they sniff around each other with the neighbour’s dog, it’s only good for them.
If you want to learn about behaviour problems, we recommend this article.
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