
Video of two raccoons partying with a dog

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. August 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A few rainbow-coloured soap bubbles lightened the mood. The small group was clearly having a great time.


It is not unusual for a dog and a raccoon to meet. It happens that raccoons will surround the dog like a fan, showering it with affection in the form of kisses and hugs. (But be careful: as you know, they don’t necessarily take kindly to this kind of affection from us either!) But the fun below is apparently not without its little dog, who, along with the raccoons, is happily chasing down the soap bubbles floating around.

If you want tips on how to keep your pet entertained in the summertime (even if you don’t have a raccoon guard), this article has lots of good ideas.
animals dog video raccoon video

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