This is how the huskies reacted to the walking robot dog (video)
2024. August 19 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary, Love My Dogz
2024. August 19 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary, Love My Dogz
The two siberoan huskies encountered the robot dog during an evening walk. The meeting turned into a real spectacle.
A few years ago, we might have only imagined the following scene in a sci-fi movie, but now mechanical dogs are becoming increasingly common. Just as these robot dogs surprise us, they can also confuse real dogs, as evidenced by the reaction of the two huskies in the video.
Initially, the Siberian huskies approached the machine as if it were a real dog, even sniffing it. But it soon became clear to them that something was off with the strange dog.
Robotic dogs are not just toys: in some cases, they serve a good purpose by replacing real animals. For example, in the British Templeman House nursing home, robots are used as therapy dogs. Experiences show that these robots – in this case, resembling plush toys – can also have a positive impact on people. Biscuit, a 60-centimeter robot resembling a Labrador retriever, can bring about positive changes in patients with dementia, slowing the progression of the disease.
Additionally, some police stations use robot dogs. Recently we had the chance to see one of the New York authorities’ robotic partners, named Spot, up close during a workshop in Eger.
There is no need to fear these initially bizarre-looking mechanical animals: the goal is not to replace real service dogs. These robots are deployed in places where a living animal or human could not perform the task or would be in danger. For example, in the ruins of Pompeii, where they helped uncover illegal excavations. These specialized robots are not made for private individuals. But there are robotic quadrupeds available on the market that can be kept as pets.
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