
Video of the scooter-riding dog who became a world star

Gerhát Petra

2024. August 29 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Many dogs can learn small tricks, and some have mastered the art of showing off. This spaniel definitely belongs to the latter group.


Some animals can learn incredible tricks. A prime example is this dog who rides his three-wheeled scooter on Instagram, amassing hundreds of thousands of fans.

It’s amazing what dogs can learn with a little motivation

Who has ever heard of a scooter-riding dog?

With natural grace, the dog hops onto the children’s vehicle, using the three-wheeler as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. But how does he manage to learn this.

Bonnie, the four-legged star from England, is also a professional dog dancer, which likely explains her exceptional sense of balance. In the video, you can see how confidently she climbs on and pushes herself along on the scooter, even turning safely. Almost like a circus dog.

It’s no coincidence that alongside Spitzes, Terriers, and Poodles, Spaniels have always been the most common performers in the circus. These breeds are famously talented. Although today, fewer animals perform in circuses due to changing societal attitudes, it’s not uncommon in Hungary for some performers to work with their own pets in their acts. According to EU rules on animal welfare, wild animals cannot be used in circuses, but companion animals can.

circus clever dog learning with dog magic trick video

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