
5 + 1 things dogs hate: don’t ever do them!

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. December 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Although we have a shared history going back thousands of years, there are some human habits that dogs hate. What's more, we're not doing them any favours for their healthy development. We've collected these.


Animal behaviour expert Mychelle Blake has detailed the things dogs hate the most. What’s more, some of them are actually driven by the best intentions of the owner. Let’s look at the mistakes you shouldn’t make with your beloved four-legged friend!

1) Don’t hug him!

Although hugging is a gentle expression of affection between humans, your pet may not be happy about this kind of “attack”. Some pets will quietly tolerate an uncomfortable approach, while others will simply become tense and give off a sign of it. The biggest problem is children who are too close: according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, most dog attack victims are small children. The reason for this is that young children do not approach the animal properly; for example, they want to cuddle it. For this reason, it’s also very important to teach your little ones how to touch the dog – which means you need to be aware of what dogs like and don’t like. How you can express your love to your pet in the right way is explained in this article.

Many animals don’t like to be cuddled

2.) Dogs hate the too direct contact

It is also very important to understand which forms of approach may be too much for a dog. Most dogs don’t like it when you touch their face, nor do they like too sudden movements. They may even be frightened by their owner and react badly to strangers! In addition, if they are not used to interactions such as claw cutting, bathing or medical examinations, these situations can also trigger negative reactions. As we have often said, early socialisation is crucial for a healthy and problem-free development of your dog!

Never suddenly reach out to a dog, especially a stranger!

3.) Outdated approach

Sadly, the now long outdated pack theory that it is the master’s job to prove to his dog that he is the boss still holds true. And as the leader of the pack, many people yell and treat the animal roughly, demonstrating their power and strength. A big mistake! On the one hand, as written, the theory has long been disproven and there is no need to subdue your dog. On the other hand, this kind of treatment creates fear in him, to which he may react aggressively. Positive rewards and training are more effective.

You don’t have to beat your dog!

4) Wrong reward method

Related to the previous point, many owners do not reward their pets with the right tools, which is harmful to the dog. Overindulging in tasty snacks, a soldier from lunch, especially a little treat, is extremely harmful!

For one thing, much of the human food is unhealthy and often downright toxic to dogs. Chocolate, we hope everyone knows about, but raisins, grapes, birch-sugar-containing sweets are all part of the list; read more in this article, we list what you shouldn’t give your dog. Besides, this kind of love language is also harmful because of the extra pounds.

Instead, praise and petting, playing together and spending quality time together, such as a long walk or outing, is what you’re really doing him good with. Of course, you can teach with reward food, but only in moderation, and really as part of training, quantity counting it in your daily energy needs!

Many foods are dangerous for dogs and overeating leads to obesity

5.) Dogs hate the inactive lifestyle

For all dogs, but high energy, working breeds are particularly damaging if they are condemned to inactivity. A dog that is not properly exercised can pick up a number of problem habits (destruction being one of them) and its health can suffer from this absolutely unhealthy lifestyle. It is also a misconception that small breeds do not need as much exercise as a large one! Think about it the Yorkshire Terrier who, as the name suggests, being a terrier, is basically a working dog with a huge energy level! Likewise a Dachshund won ‘t get lost between the four walls!

Walking is a necessity

Besides walking, mental stimulation is very important. Play lots of games, teach him tricks; tire him out both physically and mentally! This is part of an active lifestyle.

+1.) Inconsistency

One more essential mistake that dogs hate, and you’ll find yourself making in the long run if you make it: this is inconsistent behaviour, which can manifest itself in all areas of life.

Yesterday you were ordering the dog off the couch, and today you’re the one calling him to join you during the evening movie? Did you scold him for giggling, then lure him to the table with tasty treats? Last time you laughed when he tore your slippers to shreds as a game, and now you’re in a snit over it?

Now, this is the behaviour that confuses the dog. And in the long run, it makes it completely impossible to lay down rules. The basis of teaching is clarity.

Let the dog know what you want him to do, and also be clear about what he shouldn’t do. This should be set in stone and always properly sanctioned. If you laugh at him once and even stroke his head, he will store it as a positive. Other times, he won’t understand why you’re angry about it. It’s obvious what the problem is, right?!

Inconsistent training confuses the animal

Just like you at work, or a small child at home, a dog needs a clear framework. That way he will know what he can do and what is forbidden for him. In this respect, it is important that all members of the family know these rules, as it can be frustrating if you forbid something while others are keen to encourage it. If you follow these tips, you’ll have a much more balanced and deeper relationship with your pet. To the delight of both of you.

dog ownership habits stress

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