This animal is smarter than a dog or a cat (video)

2024. August 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
2024. August 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
In an impressive video, you can see the tricks this rescued animal has learned. We already knew it was smart, but not this much!
We admit, at the beginning of the video, we got quite emotional as we watched a sailor rescue a crow that had fallen into the water, later becoming the bird’s owner. Not only does he care for the bird, but he surrounds it with great affection. Which the crow reciprocates with its friendliness. This alone makes the video worth watching. However, besides the emotional bond, observing everyday moments reveals just how intelligent a crow can be. For instance, it consistently outsmarts four-legged pets but also knows how to skillfully please them. Let’s take a look at what we’re talking about!
Walking alongside a German Shepherd is already quite a sight, but playing tug-of-war with a dog much bigger than itself is simply fantastic! And when the feathered friend snatches a can of food from the cat, you can’t help but laugh! The fact that it then shares its spoils with its barking buddy clearly shows how amazing these birds are.
Handing a brush to its owner or perfectly assembling a building block toy showcases the intelligence of crows. It’s no wonder that the A Varjak és mi (Crows and Us) community and the Crow-Petting initiative have emerged in Hungary. Both rural and urban areas are home to many of these black or hooded birds. Their appearance can be intimidating to some, as they are relatively large birds with strong beaks. However, they pose a threat only during the fledgling period. From late April to mid-June, when parents protect their clumsy young. As conveyed by Index from the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME), in case of an attack, you should stand your ground, face the bird, and scare it away with wide-open arms and loud noises.
Crows are particularly intelligent animals. Moreover, as you can see in the accompanying video or through the mentioned program, they can form truly special relationships with humans. And as you’ve seen, in certain situations, they can even outwit our pets.
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