
Why your dog may bark a lot: it’s not always bad manners

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. August 30 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Dog barking is the subject of much debate between dog owners and non-dog owners. But it's a mistake to think that it's always a lack of education.


If a dog barks too much, we tend to immediately blame the owner for not training it. Which may be correct, of course, but like so many forms of communication, barking has multiple causes and meanings. We will now look at these.

Barking is a signal

When the statement is true

Indeed, the lack of early socialisation can be reflected in the dog barking whether it should or not. It can be disturbed by people, other dogs, as well as other animals, but the noise of household appliances can also inflame its temper. So can anything that he doesn’t know because he hasn’t been shown it before his time.

Something happened in your environment

If a dog suddenly starts barking loudly and persistently, something has probably happened in the environment. For example, a stranger is in the area. If you hear persistent barking at night, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out. It could also be a warning of trouble; it could be your other pet or a family member. As a responsible, attentive owner, you know your dog, so you know when it is behaving unusually, which should be taken seriously.

The barking signal: don’t ignore it!

The dog is bored

One of the most typical reasons for a dog barking a lot is that it is not being given enough attention and is bored. Dogs that are left alone all day may be left to run around the entire condominium or the length of the street after the owner has left.

Your Pet Is Anxious About Something

Related to the previous point, if the absence of the owner triggers such an extreme reaction, even if he has only left the house for a few minutes, or in the worst case, just moved into the next room, then the dog is suffering from separation anxiety. But any kind of stress can be responded to by, among other things, barking.

A happy dog will also be quieter / Photo: Love My Dogz

What to do?

We’ll tell you: the often hip answer “dogs bark to bark” is the wrong answer! Basically, barking is for communication and signalling, so it doesn’t have to be an all-day activity. The first step to solving this problem is to find out what your pet is responding to. If he’s bored, try to spend as much time with him as possible, introduce an extra treat, play in the garden or even in the flat. If this isn’t possible, get a family member or friend involved. Perhaps a professional dog walker can take over the afternoon out. In the case of a stressed dog, the source of the stress should be identified.

bark communications fear separation anxiety socialisation stress

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