
Wind can make walking your dog surprisingly difficult

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. May 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Here's a video showing what happens to small, long-haired dogs in bad weather.


Walking the dog is a pleasant pastime most of the time, but the wind can sometimes make it difficult for your pet. You’ve probably seen videos of small dogs fighting the elements and trying to get from point A to point B in a huge wind. And this is a challenge in most cases, especially if the dog is not only small, but also has long coat. The following recording shows a Pekingese who probably regretted going for a walk in this weather.

The importance of grooming

If you share your home with a long-haired pet, as a responsible pet owner, it’s vital that you take good care of your dog’s coat. Failure to regularly brush can lead to tangling and matting. This not only causes discomfort to the dog, but can also lead to skin problems.

We are sure the owner of the dog in the video above also straightened his pet’s windswept hairstyle as soon as they got home.

And sometimes a bath doesn’t hurt, but it matters what you use. Click here to find out which products should be avoided when bathing your dog.

bathing your dog dog video grooming of long coat Pekingese wind

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