
What should I do if my dog is too friendly?Being too familiar can be dangerous

Buzgó Csilla

2024. October 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Bare-hearted dogs are adorable and it's nice to see how much they enjoy life, especially spending time with people and their fellow dogs. But what happens when your dog's friendliness becomes a nuisance or a risk?


The dog thrives in a pack and loves to spend time in a loving environment. However, socialisation disorders can sometimes make him over-enthusiastic in social situations and this can be dangerous. Why is it risky if your dog is too friendly with strangers?

Your dog’s friendly nature can put him in danger

Your dog may receive incorrect feedback

The more you experience feedback that talking to strangers is rewarding. I.e. praise, petting and cooing from the unfamiliar individual, the more ingrained this habit becomes. Not to mention that it’s even better when the person welcomes your dog’s friendly advances with glee, rather than a kick.

The friendly dog is at risk of poisoning

Who knows when you might stumble across a man who gets a few moments of pleasure out of harming a defenceless animal? Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan of dogs. An enthusiastic greeting from your pet can upset them. And they’ll be eager to give you what could be the last reward of their life.

Some people may take advantage of the dog’s nature

Can cause an accident

A dog running wild can knock over a small child or an elderly person with unsteady posture, and you’re asking for trouble. It may run off, despite a call, purely for the sake of being friendly, and get a bigger dog angry and start a fight, which is every dog owner’s nightmare. If someone wants to pet your puppy at home, over the fence, but hurts him and he snaps, a malicious person may start to take revenge on him or you.

The dog can be injured

One possible consequence of the above-mentioned fight is serious injury, and your pet may be the one who suddenly bites the other dog. In addition, a dog in ecstasy may not always notice approaching vehicles, and even if it’s just a bicycle, the animal could be involved in a serious accident.

teaching of an English Bulldog

How do I get my dog to stop this behaviour?

After the potential hazards, it is essential that the dog learns to look out for you for its own sake.

Reinforce the call-in

If the inevitable happens and your dog gets loose, he may even save his life if he can shut out the outside world and come back to you when you call. This is not a two-minute operation, and it takes a lot of practice at home in a peaceful environment. But with a well-motivated, intelligent dog, nothing is impossible.

Get the right equipment

With a dog that tugs and pulls while you walk, a day’s exercise is not exactly a treat. If you’ve tried everything and feel helpless, give the front harness a try! This handy accessory is designed to make it impossible for your dog to pull on the leash. As soon as the shank tightens on his chest, it turns him back in the opposite direction. After a while, he’ll realise it’s more rewarding for him to walk alongside you in a nice, relaxed way.

Teach him the rules

If your dog is too friendly, he needs to realise that not everyone will look kindly on him jumping up to greet you with glee. Or that he could be in danger if he goes up to a happy-go-lucky person to make friends. One of the most important rules is not to accept food from strangers. You can teach him this by tying the whole meal to one command word, even if it’s “Eat!” Practice the situation. He can’t start eating until you sit him down and say the magic word. It will take time for this habit to become ingrained in him. But if he can control his bladder until the walk starts, after a while his craving for treats won’t be so strong that he’ll break the rule for it.

accident behaviour dog poisoning friendly dog walking

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