
How do you get your puppy to sleep separately? He won’t cry through the night

László Enikő

2024. October 16 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Puppies are very affectionate creatures. That doesn't change when it comes to sleep. How can you get your pet to spend the night in his own bed?


Many puppies do not like to spend the night alone. They go through a lot of changes when they are a few months old and it’s hard for them to get used to sleeping in a new place. Usually, a dog bought from a breeder will join its family at eight weeks of age. They will have to meet and adapt to many new things. The puppy used to spend his evenings with his brothers and mother and now they expect him to sleep alone. To which the reaction is mostly persistent howling all night long.

The puppies’ mother is always with them, but later they will have to get used to being alone

The basics

It’s important to make it clear from the start where your puppy will sleep. You can also decide to spend the night in the same bed. If you don’t want to do this, you’ll have to get him used to his own place from the start, because it will be much harder later on. Be consistent, because the dog won’t know why he can do one thing and not another. That’s why it’s important that when he starts to cry bitterly, you don’t bring him into the bedroom with you to calm him down.

Communication of the puppies

The puppies communicate by squeaking. This is like crying in babies. It is their way of telling their mother that they are cold or hungry. She will listen for this sound and attend to her offspring’s needs. So puppies instinctively use this form of communication for everything, from a very young age.

Puppies communicate by whining and howling

But they soon learn to use it in a targeted way. When they want attention, they start to howl and whimper in a thin voice. This is used in many situations, for example to ask for food or toys. If you don’t want them to signal you in this way, simply ignore them and they will stop in time.

Preparations for the puppy to sleep separately

Yes, but howling at night is not so easy to ignore. There are a few things you can do to prevent an unpleasant awakening. Since he’s been sleeping with his peers since birth, it’s a good idea to put some clothes in his bed that either smell of his bedmates or of you. This could be an old rag or a worn T-shirt. The important thing is that he smells the scent of safety. The bedding should be soft and comfortable, and preferably not in the bedroom, as it’s only a step away from there and you’ll find your pet in your bed.

If you let him when he’s a puppy, it will be hard to get him out of your bed later

Have dinner three hours before bedtime. After that, you can go for a walk. Stop playing with him two hours before bedtime to calm him down. In this respect, he is also like a human: you should not send him to bed excited, because he will not fall asleep. Tire him out gradually so that he falls asleep at the right time. Then you can sit next to him, stroke him, talk to him softly – this works with all children, whether dog or human. Remember that puppies can need up to 18 hours of sleep a day!

What to do if he cries?

If you wake up to a loud howl, don’t ignore it completely. Go outside and reassure him. He’ll see there’s nothing wrong, and you can check if he’s just crying because he’s alone or if he’s got other problems. It’s not recommended to go out more than once, as he’s used to you jumping in when he howls. That’s why he won’t stop.

You can also reduce the feeling of loneliness with a little mood lighting

If you see no other solution, there is a collar that releases pheromones that have a calming effect. This is completely harmless to your puppy, but you can also ask your vet for an opinion.

It is very important that you never scold your pet if it cries at night. It is also not a good idea to shut him up completely, as this can increase his fear and give him separation anxiety.

It’s hard to sleep soundly with a noisy four-legged friend, but remember, that’s a puppy. It can take weeks before he learns to be independent and understands that he can go to sleep without you. There is a lot of responsibility and sometimes a lot of discomfort involved in raising a puppy, but all the energy invested always pays off in time.

dog sleep puppy separation anxiety sleep

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